October 22, 2022 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
216 E Grand River Ave Lansing, MI
The 10th Annual Run for Giving 5K Run/Walk takes place Saturday, October 22nd on the Lansing River Trail. The race will start at 9:00 am. Our race will have chipped timing with live results!
Early bird pricing starts at $25 and will last until September 14th, pricing will be $30 from September 15th to October 14th, and $35 one week before the event. Register early to secure the early bird pricing! Be sure to register online, there is no race day registration. Special pricing: Ages 18 and under $5 discount. Families/Groups who register 3 or more participants at the same time receive a $5/discount per participant. Run, walk or roll! This race is stroller and wheelchair accessible. Proceeds from this event will go towards empowering those in vulnerable situations in our community through our Food Access Programs, Personal Needs Program, Family Health Center, Counseling Center, and our Financial Empowerment Center.Contact Person(517) 253-8252 Emailesabourin@cristoreycommunity.org
Emily Sabourin Phone 25 WebsiteEvent Tag: Community