
October 27, 2023 6:30 pm - October 28, 2023 6:30 pm


3611 N ST RD 19 Sharpsville, IN


"Second Chance Cafe" is a Dinner Theater about God's Grace and his desire to give second chances. It follows a central character that has had a life altering event take place. We witness the lives that were affected and how God never gave up on any of them. It is a Dramedy that will help members of the audience find themselves in one or more of the characters, and make them question how they would have reacted in the same situation. It is a play about loss and love, grace and forgiveness, and the unquestionable desire for God to be there for his children...even when they don't know they are in need. Come and enjoy a great meal, and witness a message that just might change your life.


Event Cost 25.00

Contact Information

Contact Person Helen

Event Tag: Community

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