Dear Younger Me,
Remember that day when you were driving home, and the “ROAD CLOSED” sign blocked your way so you just decided to turn right since you couldn’t go on? You then picked another road to turn left on so you could at least keep heading east. Unexpectedly, that road took you along the river, which was a beautiful sight at that time of day with the sun shining through the trees on the water. The unknown of that detour led to beauty, and at the end of the road was the town to which you were driving.
Like then, when you come to what feels like a detour in your life, where it seems the road is closed or even if it feels like you’re taking the long way to where you want to go, there’s beauty to be found in the detour. Unlike that drive, detours in life are often mixed with pain, but if you choose to, you’ll see the good. Sometimes you’ll see the good after the fact, and sometimes you’ll catch glimpses of the sunshine on the water while you’re on that unknown road. The cool thing is, God knows exactly where that detour ends and it’ll be right where you’re meant to be.
Remember to allow the detour to grow you in character, perseverance, and hope. And, whether you find yourself on the detour or back on the highway, remember the promises that God is with you wherever you go and that what you go through in this life will never compare with the glory to come.