Dear Younger Me, 

When the curveballs come, and you keep striking out, remember God makes everything beautiful in its time. You won’t always know what the curveball will turn into, but you can know that the situation is going to be used for good. It might take time to see what the "good" is, but you can trust that He will.  

When the curveballs seem to come all at once and it seems like nothing is going right or how you planned, feeling defeat and discouragement is natural. It takes a little more of you to think that God has something to turn them into. But I’ve seen Him turn them into reasons for joy, reasons to trust Him, and reasons to see that I’m not in control. Sometimes those reasons showed up in hours, and sometimes those reasons showed up in months, but I encourage you to take the curveballs with grace, knowing there is a reason for them.  

Remember Ecclesiastes 3:11, "Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end." What a promise, and what a comfort. Though you don't know what's going on or how it will all stack up, trust that God knows exactly what He's pitching to you and how the game is going to finish. He knows.



Authored by Shine.FM on February 08, 2021.