Dear Younger Me, 

Don’t compare your holiday to anyone else’s. All the times your neighbors have large family get-togethers and your family doesn’t go anywhere...choose not to be jealous. When you’re upset because someone got sick and the holiday doesn’t look the same as last year, choose to see the good. When you think others have it better and more exciting, try to find joy right where you are. Wallowing in self-pity makes it worse, and when you think about it, it’s silly to pity a holiday at home when you’re with your family. And you’re going to realize someday that doing nothing on a holiday might actually be really relaxing and wonderful! And keeping it simple with the people you love might just be what you need.  

And there will be plenty of times when you will get to do the fun and exciting things, which you will cherish! Those memories will certainly be amazing. Just don’t let your desire for the big things cause you to miss out on appreciating the quiet moments of a holiday at home with your family.  



Authored by Shine.FM on July 03, 2023.