¡Feliz marzo! Happy March!
Time flies, especially when God is blessing, working, and providing in numerous ways! I pray your life is full of His powerful, gentle, all-consuming presence as well.
This past week we had a little edu(va)cation. We drove five hours to the coast, which actually took twelve due to minor derrumbes (landslides). By God’s grace, we arrived safely and enjoyed a few days at the beach.
Our hotel was on the shore, so we spent hours swimming in the pool, splashing in the ocean, then returning to the pool for voli (volleyball). I found a sand dollar, enjoyed an early morning run on the beach, and tried an array of new foods. We explored the small town of Atacames, enjoyed one another’s company, and took a boat tour of the cove.
I truly appreciated the rest. It was a time to breath, as this entire semester has been, but even more so, without obligation to attend class or participate in organized activities. We ate and relaxed together without agenda. It was also neat to experience another subculture of Ecuador.
Within four days, I learned so much … about everything. First, God faithfully cares for His children. There were many complications and opportunities for danger, but God in His wisdom and mercy worked all things for good. We experienced safe travels, food in abundance, and were able to replace the battery in the van before getting stuck in traffic.
Second, amidst it all, we can breathe. Most things day to day do not conform to the original plans we make. Yet God always has a bigger, better plan and He provides accordingly. I have been emphasizing that frequently because it is so true and I cannot live a day without recognizing it. He is teaching me to be present in the moments, serve Him to the best of my ability, and let His will be done—even and especially when it doesn’t match mine.
Third, we are all unique. I am always tempted to compare myself to others, even though I know God’s love for each of His children is individual and incomparable. Being the daughter of our professor and program director, I live and travel with my Ecuadorian family. Sharing them with the other NILIs is an incredible blessing, but it does come with its challenges. This week I observed the team and family that we are. We all have preferences, strengths, weaknesses, and personalities chosen by God to accomplish His purposes. Together, we are stronger and more beautiful.
On the way home, we stopped in another small town, known for extreme sports and diverse nature. In Mindo, we ziplined and toured a chocolate factory. We spent hours flying through the woods and afterward sampled the world’s purest chocolate in many forms. In every moment, I keep thanking God for such an epic season of life to do things I might not ever have the chance to do again, all while serving Him.
After a week of adventures, we returned home to a weekend of adventures. God is so extravagant in His love and kindness! Claire and her family graciously invited me to hike a local volcano, Pululahua. We walked, took pictures, and exchanged many jokes. Afterward, we ate pizza and shared fellowship with one another.
On Saturday, the youth group gathered for devotions and celebration of Carnival. It is a very special (and crazy) feriado (holiday) here in Ecuador. It involves anything that can be thrown at another person—water, soap, eggs, flour. We tossed water balloons and played games, laughing and enjoying the freedom to do so.
Sunday was a day of worship. I am still helping with the production team, each week with more confidence and ability from the Lord. Each time I meet someone new and try to converse with different people. It is special to be connected with another portion of God’s family in another part of the world.
God’s Provision: God provides daily nutrition, shelter, and education, but He also reveals His protection and fiel amor (steadfast love) in specific ways. At the beach early one morning, a portion of a rocky cliff crumbled downward. The rain had loosened the earth and caused the damage, which thankfully harmed no one. Then in the three-hour traffic jam on our return trip in the dark, God prevented any further lodo (mud) and mountainside to fall onto the vehicles stopped in the road. Sometimes we don’t even know from what possible devastation the Lord rescues us.
Palabra de la Semana (Word of the Week): Pámpano. Vine shoot. Jesus teaches us that He is the True Vine, and we are the branches. Apart from Him we can do nothing, and in Him, we are grafted in, protected, and able to bear fruit. Right now, far from my physical home yet always at home with my Heavenly Father, I am a very small pámpano, cherished, cultivated, and covered by the Divine Vinedresser.
“Yo soy la vid verdadera, y Mi Padre es el viñador … Permanezcan en Mí, y Yo en ustedes. Como el sarmiento no puede dar fruto por sí mismo si no permanece en la vid, así tampoco ustedes si no permanecen en Mí. Yo soy la vid, ustedes los sarmientos; el que permanece en Mí y Yo en él, ese da mucho fruto, porque separados de Mí nada pueden hacer” (Juan 15:1, 4-5, NBLA).
“I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser … Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:1, 4-5, ESV).
¡Que la gracia de Dios sea con ustedes! May the grace of God be with you!