Waiting is so hard.
We dislike it so much we pick the shortest cashier lines, fastest internet speeds, and least busiest roadways. One moment of down time, and we pull out something else to do.
Stillness and quiet don’t seem to be common values in our society. But as parents who need a breather, hard workers who need a break, and human beings who need rest … well, how about it?
God freely offers it to us. We often quote Jesus from Matthew 11: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
I think we also find rest in waiting. David pens, “I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in His word I hope” (Psalm 130:5). Over and over again, God’s people find respite in His sovereignty, comfort in His promises, renewed energy in His communion.
Isaiah says those who wait upon the Lord will run without fatigue (40:31). David declares they who keep the Lord’s way will be exalted to inheritance (Psalm 37:34). The author of Lamentations affirms the Lord’s goodness toward those who seek Him (3:25). Every person who has waited expectantly for Almighty God has never been disappointed.
God hears their cries, answers their prayers, and reassures their hearts. He is patient, kind, and faithful. Indeed, He neither slumbers nor sleeps, but always watches out for us.
The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forevermore.
– Psalm 121:7-8
Personally, I don’t like waiting. It feels like a waste of time and unnecessary anxiety. But I am slowly learning how valuable the wait is. It teaches patience, deepens trust, and increases understanding. Indeed, God reveals Himself in secret to the one who is broken and in need of grace.
Right now, I am waiting on the Lord. One particular circumstance is at the forefront of my mind, but there are always ongoing pursuits and Scripture-inspired hopes that weave throughout my prayers. Maybe you also are waiting for Him.
Even though we don’t always know what we’re waiting for, there is such overwhelming confidence and inexplicable contentment in trusting God. Even in our moments of confusion, doubt, and frustration, God visits and protects us. He does not leave us waiting forever, but faithfully delivers on His promises and completes His perfect will.
God’s Provision: Both the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ intercede on our behalf before the Father (Romans 8:26, 34). God Himself, who knows Himself and His purposes, helps us ask Him for what He already purposed for us. Truly, He is on our side!
Word of the Week: Watchfulness. “The state of being constantly attentive and responsive to signs of opportunity.” When we actively and persistently seek God, even a subtle indication of movement perks us up. We are so vigilant that we are ready for His response.
Far from a waste of time, waiting is a beneficial use of spiritual energy. It opens us up to God and makes us dependent on Him—so hard, yet so rewarding.



Authored by Abby Bennett on September 28, 2022.