Dear Younger Me,

Stand firm. Isn’t it just what the enemy wants when you’re spinning in your doubts and fears? Or when you can’t let go of the mistakes you’ve made and accept grace? 

You’re too competitive for that, my dear. You let the enemy win way too many times, and that’s not God’s design for you or anyone. And knowing you and how you want to win, I hope you see that you don't have to allow yourself to be defeated. 

Don’t let the enemy have his way. I know there are times when standing firm seems like the hardest thing to do, but if you learn to recognize those moments, you’ll learn you need to hold up your shield. Take your thoughts captive. Insert truth. Stand firm. And do it again. 

In Revelation 3:11-12, it says, ‘“I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take away your crown. All who are victorious will become pillars in the Temple of my God, and they will never have to leave it…”’

Hold onto your crown, precious daughter of the King. As you do your best to stand firm now, remember that one day you’ll get to stand firm in the most beautiful place. 




Authored by Shine.FM on August 09, 2021.